"All the news that's fit to print about fighting Terrorism with Vigilance!"


Lest We Forget!

Cliff McKenzie, Editor

OVERVIEW: Memories are roadmaps if used properly. They remind us that the future is dictated by the past. In the case of Terrorism, we must all remember not to forget that the Beast of Terror is doing push ups, waiting for us to relax our Vigilance. Review some of the most compelling stories of Nine Eleven and reinforce your role as a Sentinel of Vigilance

GROUND ZERO PLUS 1089 DAYS, New York, NY, September 5, 2004--SIX DAYS TO GROUND ZERO--On this site are more than 2 million words and in excess of 1,000 stories relating the need for us all to become Sentinels of Vigilance to fight Terrorism in our homes, lives and for the ultimate benefit of our children and their Children's Children's Children.

Below you will find links to some of the more powerful stories generated over the past three years.

We invite you to use the links provided to review those that catch your eye, and to remember to Never Forget that the Beast of Terror feeds on our Complacency, and hopes we will forget.



Go To August 22, 2004: "Art Terrorists Steal Beast Of Terror's Scream"
OVERVIEW: The world famous painting by Edvund Munch, "The Scream," was stolen by armed robbers with ski masks last week in Oslo, Norway. But what does the painting really mean? Is it a symbol that we all walk the tightrope of madness, Terror and self-destruction? Or, does it mean we can all find ways to use Vigilance to protect us from the "haunting howl" the painting illustrates? Find out how to manage your own "Scream" with the Sentinels of Vigilance.


Go To August 17, 2004: "The Olympic Motto 'Citius-Altius-Fortius': Gives Us A Tool Against The Beast Of Terror"
OVERVIEW: A billion pairs of eyes are glued to the television broadcasting the Olympics. Two-hundred and two nations compete in a "peaceful" display of personal and national bests to attain the ideal of human interaction without bloodshed. Rooted in the Olympics is its motto, a Latin expression that can be used to fight Terrorism both within and without. It is a motto that all of us can use each day to make our lives and the lives of our children safer from the Beast of Terror.


Go To August 13, 2004: "America's Most Feared Terrorist: The Arrogant, Indifferent Corporation"
OVERVIEW: Two of the greatest fangs of the Beast of Corporate Terror are Arrogance and Indifference. When corporations sink those fangs into the rights of citizens, they are not unlike any Terrorist who claims to have the "divine" right to do what they want, to whomever they wish. In my case, the corporation has chosen to deny me any rights. They have, to date, refused to admit a whisper of fault in an otherwise hurricane of mistakes, errors and possible intentional efforts to nullify my insurance claim. I liken them to Osama bin Laden at the moment. If you've ever been a victim of any degree of Corporate Terrorism, read on.


Go To August 7, 2004: America, Pregnant With Terrorism Is Giving Birth To Vigilance
OVERVIEW: What lessons are we learning from our War On Terrorism? Perhaps it is that America is giving birth to something we don't yet fully understand. Perhaps it is that America is changing, or, recognizing that it has changed, and is now finally in the labor pains of that change. And, the same may well be true in Iraq. Perhaps both nations are pregnant with Terrorism and giving birth to Vigilance in different ways. Find out more.


Go To August 1, 2004: "Mirror Mirror On The Wall Who's Most Vigilant Of Them All?"
OVERVIEW OF STORY: What happens when you can't look yourself in the eye in the mirror without feeling uncomfortable, ashamed, disappointed at the reflection staring back at you? When we reach a bottom where we can't stand ourselves, it's a sign the Beast of Terror has been victorious over us. It is time to call out the Sentinels of Vigilance and seek their help to build the power of the self.


Go To July 29, 2004: "Do You Hear The Heartbeats Of The Sentinels Of Vigilance?"
OVERVIEW OF STORY: The deaths of more than 3,000 people on September 11, 2001 does not mean they have disappeared from the earth. There are some who can still hear the 110,000 heartbeats of each person chiming throughout the day, reminding everyone to be his or her own Sentinel of Vigilance. If you cannot hear their heartbeats, you will when you finish reading this.


Go To July 25, 2004: "Imagination Is A Key Flaw In The 9-11 Report"
Article Overview: "Lack of imagination" is termed the key flaw in the new 9/11 Commission report released this week. The report cites 37 ways to strengthen our nation's external security. But what about our "internal security," the security of the self? The 9/11 report is void of how to protect a child from Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, the Triads of Terrorism. Find out what the 9/11 report missed and how you can take charge of your own personal Homeland Security.


Go To June 3, 2004: "Five Days To Ground Zero+1000"
Article Overview: We are five days away from GZ+1000! What have we learned? What can we do to not let that day pass unnoticed?


Go To March 12, 2004: "Define Terrorism, Please! Is It The Absence of Vigilance?"
Article Overview: What is the definition of Terrorism? Is it a senseless act of violence against innocent people for political reasons? Or, is it an act of self-sacrifice at someone's expense, and doesn't require the deaths of innocent people to be ranked as Terrorism? Or, is Terrorism's definition the "absence of Vigilance?" Find out.


Go To Feb 5, 2004 "TerrorThoughts: The Real Weapons Of Mass Destruction"
Article Overview:   David Kay, the chief sleuth hired by the CIA to find WMD in Iraq, says there aren't any.   His revelation suggests that the War on Terrorism was launched on false information.    But was it?  What are real WMD?   Are they bombs laced with toxins, or perhaps TerrorThoughts that poison the mind, creating Fear, Intimidation and Complacency?    Find out--and take the Personal Weapons Of Mass Destruction Inventory to see if you are carrying any WMD around with you


Go To February 24, 2003: "Defining Terrorism: Can You Do It For The Children?"

Article Overview: How do you define Terrorism? Do you know what it is for you? For your loved ones? Can you state its definition in terms that will limit Terrorism to a speck of dust instead of giant dark shadow? You can. Read on.


Go To September 17, 2002: "Child Kidnappers Of Terror"
Daily, millions of American children are being kidnapped by Terrorists. They live in fear and wait to escape. They build walls to protect themselves from the kidnapper's pain, and retreat into shells to avoid the kidnapper's wrath. Who are these kidnappers? Complacent parents who don't have the time to love a child's insides, who are too busy to know his or her fears, intimidations and complacencies. This story asks the reader: "How can I be a more Vigilant parent/person?" How can I break down the walls of my own Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, and reach out to others so I might know myself and them better. can I be a more Vigilant pathe reader: "How can I be a more Vigilant parent/person?" How can I bre****


November 2, 2001: "The Scariest Place On Earth"--
a short story about a man trapped in his own Fear of Defeat, symbolic of the "Terrorism Within," until a Sentinel of Vigilance brings him a message of Hope


Go To Yesterday's Story: "The Beast Of Terror Has New Strategy-Kill Schoolchildren"

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